With Coding Quiz you can test your knowledge of various programming languages.
App contains more than 1000 questions of more than 10 different languages .
Test your knowledge and learn the following programming languages: Python, Android, C++, C#, Kotlin, JavaScript, PHP, Java, Ruby, HTML, Swift.
I try to constantly update the questions database.
If you find an error, you can submit it with simple form.
Coding quiz is free, no specific permissions required.
The application contains advertisements, but you can disable it through in-app purchase.
Don't forget to leave a review. Thank You!
Con Coding Quiz puoi testare la tua conoscenza di vari linguaggi di programmazione.
L'app contiene più di 1000 domande di oltre 10 lingue diverse .
Metti alla prova le tue conoscenze e impara i seguenti linguaggi di programmazione: Python, Android, C ++, C #, Kotlin, JavaScript, PHP, Java, Ruby, HTML, Swift.
Cerco di aggiornare costantemente il database delle domande.
Se trovi un errore, puoi inviarlo con un semplice modulo.
Il test di codifica è gratuito , non sono richieste autorizzazioni specifiche.
L'applicazione contiene pubblicità, ma puoi disabilitarla tramite l'acquisto in-app.
Non dimenticare di lasciare una recensione. Grazie!
With Coding Quiz you can test your knowledge of various programming languages.
App contains more than 1000 questions of more than 10 different languages .
Test your knowledge and learn the following programming languages: Python, Android, C++, C#, Kotlin, JavaScript, PHP, Java, Ruby, HTML, Swift.
I try to constantly update the questions database.
If you find an error, you can submit it with simple form.
Coding quiz is free, no specific permissions required.
The application contains advertisements, but you can disable it through in-app purchase.
Don't forget to leave a review. Thank You!